Hey There. It’s been a while since I’ve posted, and the more time passed, the more I realized how insignificant it felt to me that I should even keep this website going. I am
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As if you needed that many reasons to try something in your life…..yoga just keeps on makin it tough to say no! I thought it would be fun to share with you just a few of
When I was a kid, I wanted to know why Spiderman never came to my neighborhood. I lived in a pretty poverty filled city, where crime was the regular talk in the town. The
Sometimes I think we get so caught up in how we want to look, that we forget about the fun we can have along the journey of our quest to be fit. When we
Inner peace….I mention it often at the end of my classes. Inner peace to me, means that place inside of your heart and your head where you have a deep sense of calm, where
Can you drop into a seated squat position, anywhere, anytime? I ask this question because I want you to think about your answer. If you said yes…..fantastic, you are supple like a leopard, ready
I respect the solo warrior who gets out there on their own and makes shit happen. If you motivate yourself to stay fit, more power to you. However, if you struggle to stay on