Hey There. It’s been a while since I’ve posted, and the more time passed, the more I realized how insignificant it felt to me that I should even keep this website going. I am not a writer. I have no idea how many people read this page. I do not post on Instagram or Facebook, and nor do I tweet. I have been offered many opportunities to partner with and be sponsored by fitness/wellness based companies ….only to find I must have a consistent presence on social media. My response has always naturally been….no thank you.
The idea that I am that important that I need to send out messages of photos of myself daily….sometimes multiple times a day, over-sharing exercise moves I do and foods I ingest, asking, but really it seems more like begging people to please “approve” or “like” how I live my life. Sure…I could spin it all in many different ways. I have people I look up to and I enjoy reading about their choices….be it diet, exercise, how they find calm and how they organize their lives. I appreciate ideas and seeing exercises executed with proper form. I just find social media to be a bit overwhelming and self indulgent these days and I feel it has taken away something, rather than being a lovely, positive addition to our lives.
Having said all of that….I did warn you I am not a writer….although I am writing these little “blogs” if you will, so I write….but not in the most efficient way……whew……
I DO feel that I have a message to share……. about my strong appreciation for wellness, both physical and mental, my commitment to living a healthy life, as well as helping others live their healthiest lives too. So here I am, trying to get back on track to share some things that have worked for me along the way.
Welcome back Tracy!
Ready and waiting to hear what you’ve got to say Tracy Gulbransen