Power Yoga – transform your attitude – Class 24
This 75 minute Power Yoga practice invites you to work with your body, rather than on your body. Our yoga practice can transform our physical bodies, yes, but it can also transform our attitude. And attitude impacts how we feel about our bodies. Power Yoga builds strength, lengthens our muscles, and brings energy to our power center. But that’s just the physical. Power Yoga really can do so much more for you, by transforming your attitude. I promise the sequences of this Power Yoga Class 24 will have you stepping off your mat feeling your best, both physically and mentally.
Power Yoga’s Serotonin effect
Exercise can increase your Serotonin levels. Serotonin is the key hormone that stabilizes your mood, stimulates your feelings of well-being, and triggers happiness. Serotonin enables brain cells and other nervous system cells to communicate with each other. As a result, increased serotonin helps with sleeping, eating, and digestion too. Through our Power Yoga practice we harness the power to transform not only our body, but to transform our attitude.
Utilizing the tools of Power Yoga through regular practice can serve you well. Beyond our deep, focused movements during class, Power Yoga will change your attitude beyond this hour on your mat. This is the perfect practice to ground with when you are struggling, or feeling off-center.
This full-body, rooting session provides us with the tools to better acknowledge our feelings, regulate the nervous system, reconnect to our core, and learn when to let go.
You may also enjoy this class as preventative care to maintain mental, emotional, and physical balance. By taking the time to show up for yourself you are influencing the way you show up for others.
Thanks for joining me on our yoga mats today. Write me with questions or comments below. I enjoy our connection. : )
Don’t forget – when you’ve got an awnry muscle acting up – hit it with the trigger ball!