80/20, The Rule Designed To Break

Let’s face it………nobody is eating 100% clean 100% of the time. It’s just not human!  Besides, you should feel good about all of your food choices!  Live in the 80/20 rule.  Eat clean 80% of the time and allow yourself that other 20% for special times – like a friend’s birthday dinner, a family BBQ, or a banana nut muffin with your niece on the weekend!  It’s important to know you have these days built into your week, so you can enjoy your food.


*Carbs are fuel
Forget about cutting out the carbs. This is where your energy comes from. We all have different activity levels and that means we have different proportions of carbs for everyone. Since most people tend to be more active in the morning and afternoons, it makes sense to eat the majority of your carbs earlier in the day. Your body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates and push them into muscles for energy ( your glucose tolerance) is also strongest at this time. You should be sure to include fruits and veggies in every meal……the brighter your plate, the better. Have a piece of meat or fish the size of a deck of cards, or your choice of protein and if you like, a fist-size portion of brown rice or quinoa. Portion control is IMPERATIVE!

*In the Supermarket
Keep in mind while food shopping to stick to the outer perimeters of the store. You will find all that your body really needs right in that square. Fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh meats, fish and dairy. The inside isles are full of sodium, sugar, hidden trans-fats and processed foods that wreck havoc on your body. You will see a huge difference in your energy levels and how your clothes fit if you stick to this rule…..and also into the amount of time it takes you to complete your shopping!

*Know your Proteins
Protein is critical to have with every meal. It is responsible for building and maintaining your muscles along with strengthening your immune system, which fights off infection and disease. Protein will only be used to build muscle if you eat enough carbohydrates to provide the body with energy, otherwise your body will tap into the protein for energy.

*Don’t drink calories
Save your calories for the real deal. Lose the soda, juices and sugar laden drinks and start eating those calories. Your body will be more energized and more efficient. Drink water 95% of the time.

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